
Makefile commands#

This project include a Makefile containing the most common commands used when developing.

$ make help
build          Build project
clean          Clear local caches and build artifacts
doc            Build documentation
formatdiff     Show what the formatting would look like
help           Display this message
install        Install the package and dependencies for local development
interactive    Run an interactive docker container
linkcheck      Check all external links in docs for integrity
lint           Run linter
mypy           Perform type-checking
serve          Serve documentation at
tests          Run the tests with coverage in a docker container
uninstall      Remove development environment

Running the tests#

The tests require a new p4d server running in the backgound. To simplify the development, tests are runned in a docker container generated from the Dockerfile at the root of this repo.

The make tests target build the container and run the tests, with coverage, inside.